Another week. Another vlog! And for more of my YouTube content, click below!
V L O G N O. 1
*Covers face in shame.* So I fell off my YouTube game for about a month but recently decided to vlog my Saturday afternoon adventures in Target with my good girl Adia! -Check out here amazing beauty + lifestyle blog here!- We paced the fashion, beauty and home decor aisles hoping to find a few treasures and of course, because it's TARGET, we did!
I'm also considering incorporating regular vlogs onto my YouTube channel so if that's something you'd be interested in seeing, please let me know! Happy holidays and be sure to check out the rest of my videos down below!
STELLAS + Sweatshirts
Hey girl, hey!
I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving and are enjoying the holiday season. Today's post was inspired by the fact that 1. I had yet to wear my Stella McCartney creepers since scoring them on MAJOR sale last season and 2. Not being able to take off this Uniqlo sweatshirt dress b/c it's THAT comfortable! -Sadly it's sold out online but I've linked similar styles above!-
Nonetheless, I'm taking it easy this holiday season and have decided to x-nay decorating the house along with not spending a ton of money on gifts this year. My family and I are capping off each person's budget at $100 and really just focusing on the REAL reason for the season: the birth of J E S U S !
So with that, you won't be seeing any of my usual gift-guides but I'll always be sharing my favorite things -that can also double as gifts- over on my IG so be sure you're following me there! xX -C.
open || road
About a month ago I mentioned on my IG that combat boots -and any boot for that matter- would be my kryptonite this f/w season. I've never been one for a combat boot but the idea of pairing them with feminine dresses & skirts is right up my alley hence today's post!
I ALSO wanna take a moment & talk about the fact that I've been LIVING in this Brixton hat! Besides the fact that it's perfect for any bad-hair day, it's currently on trend & most importantly, can be worn with any & everything. -See it styled it differently here!
Be sure to check out my other favorite boots picks & let me know how you're styling them this season! Xx -C.
Sweatshirt. Boots. Skirt. Earrings.
Have you ever found yourself creating wishlist upon wishlist of things you really want but most definitely don't NEED? I know I do -more than I'd like to admit- but with the changing weather comes so many amazing pieces I can't but admire!
Though I'm sure I won't be getting everything above, I definitely have my eye on a few pieces that I hope to score during the coming sale season!