It’s been a while since we’ve last spoken. Let’s catch up, shall we?
So where do I even begin?
If you caught my last post, then it won’t be much of a surprise that I’m approaching creating content in a renewed way, His way.
Extended time offline never fails to challenge me to prioritize what actually matters & if I’m being completely honest, most of the things I often found myself being consumed with simply just doesn’t.
Creating, editing, liking, linking, posting, sharing, — along with every other monotonous task attached to having an online presence, has unquestionably lost its luster & now more than ever, I find myself questioning what it all even means. What does it actually matter? What weight does it carry into eternity & most importantly, is God being glorified?
The acquirement of things. The posting of things. The sharing of things. The talking of things; though fun at times, has become somewhat futile & erroneous in light of what I’ve been compelled to share.
Sweater: The Frankie Shop. Boots: Paris Texas. Necklace: COS. Sunglasses: H&M.
Simply said, desire to profess Christ in these last days has increased. My conviction to profess His goodness, His holiness, His righteousness & His soon & imminent coming has become a weight that my spirit that I can no longer carry & because of that, everything else has fallen to the waist-side.
The bar has been set & the assignment has been given. My desire is to simply be an obedient vessel for the kingdom of God & that’s really just what it is.
And though I’ll still be incorporating fashion bits here-and-there, it no longer takes precedence across my platforms.
Thank you for y’all’s love & support & I look forward to our journey together seeking Christ in a renewed & refreshing way.
xX, Chanel